- Slenderman (SA Wardega) - Slenderman (SA Wardega)

Źródło: SA Wardega, Entertainment | Polecamy: zobacz.

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01:54 w sekundach


SA Wardega / kategoria Entertainment


32410404 osób

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Slenderman (SA Wardega)

Wasze zdanie:
  • Click below to subscribe my channel and make me happy ( ;] ) - zdanie od SA Wardega
  • Imagine being one of those little kids, and then growing up enough to be on the internet. Then they might eventually find out about Slender Man and find pictures, then faint, seemingly meaningless memories would surface... As they realise in horror that they recognize that figure.It's the prank that keeps on pranking! :D - zdanie od Malamute456
  • That lady in the beginning would never survive in a horror movie... seeing as her first reaction to a monster is to scream then immediately get on the ground and do the "panic slide." - zdanie od okashi10
  • Real Slenderman found in public: - zdanie od Mavis Vermillion メイビス・ヴァーミリオン
  • The guy was like (In the beginning), "... Hello there brother Slender, what'cha doing?", xD - zdanie od Shana Ranna
  • 1:03 are they prostitutes? - zdanie od Robert S
  • 1:29 There goes my ears - zdanie od Scotty Donaldson
  • 1:05 why are there prostitutes on the street? - zdanie od zsaver
  • Slenderman:Nézd meg a videót, a véleményedet pedig írd le kommentben!!!  - zdanie od Németh Veronika
  • omg is this realy real? - zdanie od Wilson Takiwa
  • 1:30 YOU DID NOT NEED TO GIVE ME A FUCKING HEART ATTACK  - zdanie od RandomChannel
  • Me dio mas miedo el sonido del ultimo👹👹👹👹👹👹 - zdanie od Ximena Rodriguez Viilagomez
  • lmao!! Were those prostitutes??!! - zdanie od Christina T.
  • I don't think it very safe to do that around little kids!  - zdanie od Emily Swestyn
  • That bitch in the beginning must moan so fucking much - zdanie od aretwo deetwo
  • Oooooo don't watch past 2:28 rip headphone users I'm a example oooooooooooo - zdanie od Chase Chisum
  • 01:36 barulho nada agradavel , ainda tenho cala frios com isto ksks ! :D  - zdanie od FunkyCamperCat
  • What the hell happened to my arms? - zdanie od Slender Man
  • Fake! If you look closely, the "children" are adults. - zdanie od Objection!
  • Slenderman im Wald verstehe ich, aber in der U-Bahn?? ;DHahahahahahaha..... früher hatte ich vor im *angst*!Aber jetzt *nicht* mehr! :] Wenn er vor mir steht, haue ich dem eine rein!!! - zdanie od Kili HD
  • How damn retarded can people be? Run! - zdanie od amethyst0285
  • There is a name for doing these things.. It's called chutzpah 😝😝 - zdanie od Abhishek Gaurav
  • i would think the guy would totally punch him in the gut at the start...but no just looks down and up like hi what r u doin? - zdanie od Lyndon Bolt
  • Can you make The Crow(Erik Draven)? - zdanie od Shadow Ninja
  • looks like agent 47 without facial features and hes taller - zdanie od Mohammed Faiz Hoosen
  • R.I.P. headphone users - zdanie od Riko Hitsuya
  • LOL I love how everyone in the subway's all used to seeing crazy shit like that. "Wow here's another mental person... lulz... sigh..." They're more inconvenienced than scared.  - zdanie od Vic Vinegar
  • i HATE that game.never playing it again :D - zdanie od novi beograd
  • 1:06 does two girls where prostitutes??? - zdanie od ernest ortega
  • straszenie dzieci jest poniżej krytyki -.- - zdanie od marcin małecki
  • mira que minifalda tan sexy de la rubia del 1:03 haha - zdanie od Sasuke Hokage
  • Array - zdanie od Oli L
  • Fuck!! You bleed my ear! Give a warning first! - zdanie od Amirul Ianh
  • Haha it's funny how the man is just looking at slender man like wow and the little kid is screaming that's adorable - zdanie od Alice gongs
  • Is he REAL ????? - zdanie od wies siew
  • jajajajajaj 1:03 slenderman de putas xddd - zdanie od Wolf-Red
  •  - zdanie od Marc Thiffeault
  • I love it how no one is scared by him........ - zdanie od Christopher Cahall
  • Slenderman very good - zdanie od EliseuGriphon
  • wich country is it - zdanie od wesley kleine
  • RIP headphone users... - zdanie od yeliz yuvali
  • Not with the kids - zdanie od Atguern
  • that stupid fukin static - zdanie od Shadow Warrior
  • +Lps Furbulous Tv XDDDDDD - zdanie od Angel Shadows オタク ღ
  • thanks for break my ears xD - zdanie od Adrian AMVs
  • Ale dzieci straszyć? - zdanie od igor Tomkiewicz
  • it's a not scare! - zdanie od crafter 2234